Salem Mennonite Church

Elida, OH

Get Involved!

Salem is a small congregation and we value the gifts and talents in our community.   

We have three multi-age committees that help plan for our life together:

  • Spiritual Life – Focuses on growing in our relationship with God and plans church wide spiritual practices, Bible studies, etc.
  • Fellowship – Focuses on growing in relationship with each other and plans church wide opportunities to eat together, have fun, and fellowship.
  • Service – Focuses on growing in relationship with our community and plans service opportunities in the Lima and Elida areas.


Other ways to participate and volunteer at Salem include: leading worship, reading scripture, playing with the praise band or sharing musical talents, serving as a greeter or building monitor, teaching Sunday School, being a youth mentor, planting and upkeeping the flower beds and summer vegetable garden, operating the sound equipment or camera for worship, etc. 

Talk to Pastor Paula to learn more or to connect with the area of your interest.