Salem Mennonite Church

Elida, OH

Service and Mission

Local opportunities:

Salem members are active in our local community.  As a congregation we regularly financially support the Churches United Pantry (CUP), West Ohio Food Bank, Our Daily Bread, Family Promise, The Wheelhouse, A Christian Bicycle Cooperative, The Salvation Army and Brazo en Brazo, a ministry shared among local Mennonite churches to support Spanish speakers.  

We also connected to several local ministries and organizations where Salem members regularly serve together including:

  • Family Promise: preparing and serving meals at our local family shelter.
  • The Wheelhouse, A Christian Bicycle Cooperative: assist with bicycle repair.
  • The Etcetera Shop, Ten Thousand Village and Book Reviews: volunteer in these stores located in Bluffton to support fair trade artisans and world relief through Mennonite Central Committee.

International Mission:

Salem has a strong commitment to supporting mission around the world.

Currently we are supporting the work of two families engaged in international missions:


We also regularly support Mennonite Central Committee, that provides development, relief and peacemaking in the name of Christ as well as Mennonite Disaster Service that repairs and rebuilds the homes of those impacted by disasters in the United States and Canada.